People praising Sleep++s sleep tracking must not be familiar with the sleep tracking apps on other platforms. I was using a Microsoft Band 2 until its galvanic skin sensors started giving me a rash. Consequently, I bought an Apple Watch believing it was a rich app platform that would have many great options for tracking sleep. Im surprised and disappointed to learn otherwise. Specifically, while I can tell Sleep++ 2.0 when I lay down for sleep, it has no idea when Im actually sleeping. For example, last night I could not sleep so I went into another room to read, yet Sleep++ seems to think I was sleeping the whole time! As a result, it gives me laughably bogus data about how "restful" my night supposedly was. What good does that do anyone? I do not know what magic Microsoft uses to make its Band 2 app so useful, but I cannot yet find its equal for Apple Watch, particularly when it comes to sleep tracking. In an article posted on December 14, 2015, David Walsh talks about using HeartWatch in conjunction with Sleep++. This combination works better than anything I have found so far on Apple Watch, but it is still so disappointing compared to what I am used to.